Setting up channels and other settings
Setting up different settings.
To set up settings for the bot, you need to use the .settings command. To change settings, you must have the "ADMINISTRATOR" permission. This is the command format:
Some of the first settings you will want to change include:
Logs channel
Welcome messages
Human verification
Suggestion channel
Example of setting up a suggestion channel:
The setting we're changing here is "suggestchannel" aka the channel where the suggestions will be sent. The value we're changing here is the ID of the channel where suggestions will be sent. In this example that's "615303750902480971".
Here is the full list of all .settings settings and values(First the setting, then its values):
suggestchannel - channel ID
logschannel - channel ID
welcomechannel - channel ID
welcomemessage - String(The welcome message)
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