2.0.1 - 30-5-2020
Made it so that join/leave messages ignore bots (suggested by @William Shakespeare#3483)
Separated the poll command into 2 parts - timed poll command (.tpoll <time in seconds> <poll text>) and normal poll command (.poll <poll text>).
A bug where when someone reacted to a timed poll multiple times their votes counted multiple times aswell
2.0.0 - 16-5-2020
The presence status now scrolls thru ".help", "Watching over {amount_of_servers} servers." and "Guarding {amount_of_users} users." every 60 seconds.
All embeds have been changed to one color - BLACK
Switched from our custom website for the docs to GitBook
Although you can't see it, the code is now CLEANER then before
Upgraded from discord.js v11 to discord.js v12
Since we changed where our docs are, we also updated the links on the .help, .info and .changelog commands
.note command. You can now store up to 25 notes at a time. They also get synced between servers
.covid command. Get stats on the covid-19 pandemic
Last updated
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