
2.0.1 - 30-5-2020


  • Made it so that join/leave messages ignore bots (suggested by @William Shakespeare#3483)

  • Separated the poll command into 2 parts - timed poll command (.tpoll <time in seconds> <poll text>) and normal poll command (.poll <poll text>).


  • A bug where when someone reacted to a timed poll multiple times their votes counted multiple times aswell

2.0.0 - 16-5-2020


  • The presence status now scrolls thru ".help", "Watching over {amount_of_servers} servers." and "Guarding {amount_of_users} users." every 60 seconds.

  • All embeds have been changed to one color - BLACK

  • Switched from our custom website for the docs to GitBook

  • Although you can't see it, the code is now CLEANER then before

  • Upgraded from discord.js v11 to discord.js v12

  • Since we changed where our docs are, we also updated the links on the .help, .info and .changelog commands


  • .note command. You can now store up to 25 notes at a time. They also get synced between servers

  • .covid command. Get stats on the covid-19 pandemic

Last updated